Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Why didn't the Mormon Prophet Joseph Smith excape from Jail like Arnold from the tool shed in Commando?

He did escape from jail, again and again. He repeatedly dodged his enemies which had sworn to kill him. They made repeated attempts to steal the Book of Mormon, but Joseph was always one step ahead. As mayor of the City of Nauvoo, he ordered the seazure of a libelous paper. It caused an uproar nationwide, and he was accused of stifling freedom of speech. He appeared before a judge and was exonerated. Then the governor of the state pressed charges of treason. He was fleeing the state, and would have been safe, but was asked to turn himself in. His famous reply was that if his life had no meaning to his friends, then it had no meaning to him. He prophesied his own death and turned himself in. After promising full protection, governor Boggs ordered the state militia away. A mob of over 200 men stormed the jail and murdered Joseph Smith and his brother Hyrum. No one was ever prosecuted for the murders.

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