Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Im worried about growing up.?

Ok so every so often i kinda feel upset/worried about growing up. It usually happens when i think back to when i was younger and play the games ive been playing on the pc since like the age of 3 Like Delta force n commandoes ( Yeh i kno there ancient but they beat cod) and i just miss how everything in the world used to be like yno old fashioned ways of doing things windows 97, old tv's toys that kinda thing, Im currently in year 10 and im not bothered about exams or anything like that i just kinda hate the fact that im growing up and soon i wont be at school and ill be somwhere else and my parents will be old and ill have to manage on my own or with a wife and family if i get one. ive also never been the kid thats into fashion or music or stuff like tht im really old fashioned and havent really changed much, exept ive matured more and that kinda thing, also wen i feel like im growing up I usually start 2 feel a little bit sick and worried and usually end up sitting in my room on my own or go 2 watch a video, then after a while it goes off then about a few months later i have it again. HELP !!

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